Missing Radioactive Source

UPDATE: As of 1 February 2023 the capsule has been found and safely recovered. Further information relating to safety concerns about the capsule is available in two fact sheets. Safety concerns regarding the missing radioactive capsule and Safety of radiation facilities in residential areas.
On 25 January a capsule containing a radioactive source was reported missing. The capsule is small (6mm diameter and 8mm tall), round and silver. It contains a quantity of radioactive Caesium-137.
The capsule was transported between a mine site north of Newman and the north-eastern parts of Perth between 12-16 January.
Department of Fire and Emergency Services are coordinating the search.
If you see something that could be this material:
- Stay at least 5 metres away from it.
- Do not touch it.
- Do not put it in a bag.
- Do not put it in your car.
- Report it immediately by calling 13 DFES (13 33 37).
Stay up to date with the latest information and advice by checking Emergency WA, listening to ABC radio broadcasts, following DFES on social media or calling 13 DFES.